Because your vote counts

Somos Vontantes

The largest independent Latino
engagement programs in the country.

Souls to the Polls

Souls to the Polls in Wisconsin – Finding the Power of 100,000 Souls to the Polls!

NextGen America

The Next Generation is ready to Vote!

You Can Vote

Getting out the Vote
in North Carolina!

New Pennsylvania Project

Getting busy in Pennsylvania
Registering new voters!

Power the Vote

Funding Voter Protection programs
that won success in Georgia will pay off
across America


8 million Americans who were too young to vote in 2020
will be eligible to vote this year. It’s time to mobilize!

Get Involved

The groups we support are mobilizing talent, public support and financial resources to do whatever it takes to protect the democratic process.

Turn Up

The largest youth-led voter registration and turnout initiative in the U.S.

Power the Vote

They assure that everyone who is entitled to vote has the right to vote.

Grassroots Groups We Support

In recent years, Americans have witnessed a blatant assault on civil rights, the law, the Constitution, and the truth. The only way to reverse the degradation of our democracy and restore civility is to vote.

The following is a list of additional voting-conscious organizations with whom we have worked and who would appreciate your support.



Somos Votantes

Somos Votantes is a Latino-led, Latino-focused organization, aimed at empowering hardworking Latino voters year-round to participate in our nation’s democracy by taking action in their own communities. Visit SOMOS VOTANTES HERE.





NextGen’s mission is to empower young voters to engage in the political process and ensure our government is responsive to the largest and most diverse generation in American history. Learn more about NEXTGEN HERE.






Souls to the Polls
Since its founding in 2013, Souls to the Polls Wisconsin has united Wisconsin faith leaders and their congregations to strengthen the voting power of the Black community. VISIT THE WEB SITE.







18by Vote
18by Vote is a non-partisan youth-led organization that helps 16, 17, and 18 year-olds understand how, when, and why to vote. FIND OUT MORE HERE.






Living United for Change in Arizona is an organization led by changemakers fighting for social, racial, and economic transformation.





The New Pennsylvania Project
The New Pennsylvania Project was founded to expand Pennsylvania’s electorate to reflect the Commonwealth’s demographically changing population. LEARN MORE.


TurnUp is a (501)(c)(3) not-for profit organization that registers and mobilizes young voters in swing states where they can make the most significant impact. It uses four integrated programs to achieve this mission: physical registration & turnout drives; relational registration & turnout drives; grassroots organizing; and digital campaigns. LEARN MORE HERE




You Can Vote
You can Vote trains and mobilizes volunteers to educate, register. and empower all North Carolina citizens to successfully cast their ballots. LEARN MORE HERE.


Power the Vote works year round protecting the right to vote in key states.  Creating a new model for voter protection programs, it funds year-round voter protection teams in concert with state Democratic parties. Among its priority states is Georgia where it helped elect two Democratic Senators.  LEARN MORE HERE


