Because your vote counts

The Power is in Our Vote.

The Power is In Our Vote.

P4D Launches New Campaign

to Get Out the Vote.

Partners4Democracy premieres “The Power is In Our Vote,” Warning Voters of the Devastating Risks of a Second Trump Presidency.

 Partners4Democracy, a progressive advocacy group, is releasing the first in a series of videos introducing a new campaign, The Power is in Our Vote.”

“The stakes in this election are sky high. It’s not too early to get voters thinking,” said Ed Cohen, president of P4D.  “The Power is in Our Vote” speaks right to the issues Americans are concerned about. A women’s right to choose, gun control, the inequality of income and wealth, tax policies, healthcare, the continued growth of our economy and climate change are just a few.”

“At P4D our focus is on the hard work being done at the grass roots level. Young voters and people of color will make the difference this election. We fund groups with boots on the ground working to get out the vote,” Cohen said. “We think an aggressive campaign is warranted to encourage voters to focus on what is at stake. To save our democracy, Americans must vote.”

To raise funds Partners4Democracy, holds monthly special events focusing on critical issues. Al Franken, Congressman Jamie Raskin and Senators Sherrod Brown and John Ossoff have been among the featured guests. Leaders of key grass roots organizations which P4D supports also participate to spread the word about their work and encourage donations. (Souls to the Polls, nextgen america, Somos Votantes, 18BY Vote,  LUCHA, The New Pennsylvania Project, You Can Vote).

P4D  taps its extensive lists of supporters and contacts across the country and has been successful in raising thousands of dollars for groups in need of help.

Find out more at and join their mailing list ( Most importantly, the organization encourages all Americans to share the video with their friends on social media by pasting it (url: in their social media accounts. 
